Online French Tutor

I learn and practice French online with a native tutor !


Here are a few answers to questions you may have about the courses/sessions.

Please drop me an e-mail if you want to know more or would like to book a first lesson :

Who will benefit from these French sessions ? 

The lessons are for adults who want to brush up or practice their French, for personal or professional purposes. For example,

– you plan a trip to France and would like to speak and share conversations with locals, – or you would like to feel more comfortable in conversations with French people,  colleagues or friends on conversational level, – or you plan to read some French documents or literature, – or you just want to improve your French…  In all cases you will enjoy learning and speaking French and you will be proud of your progress!

All lessons are customised to answer your needs. All levels are welcome: beginners, intermediary, advanced.

Is it efficient to learn online with a tutor?

Learning online (distance learning) offers a lot of advantages:

– You can learn from home or from any place you want. You don’t need to spend time in transport to go to your course.

-You can learn when you want. You choose the slots that fit best with your own Schedule.

– You can practice French with a French native even if you cannot travel to a French speaking country.

– You receive and get feedback quickly and easily.


What material do I need to have?

–          A PC (or tablet…) and a reliable internet connection (ideally not a wifi but a cable connection), a webcam (if you would like to use this function), a microphone, ideally a headset with a microphone.

–          A connection to Skype or Hangout. And of course an e-mail address in order to exchanges exercises and documents.

Why  Skype?

Skype is a free software used by millions of people; it’s easy to download and use. Among other things, Skype enables to share documents, which is what we need for your French lessons.

Even if you have never used Skype before it should be quick and easy for you to get used to it. You will need to download Skype if you are not already a user and before you download we recommend that you read Skype’s Terms and Conditions.

Please note that it is recommended to use a cable connection (which should be of better quality than a Wi-Fi connection).

What about the webcam?

Using a webcam is very useful, especially for language courses (you have access to the body language, the head language and the movements of the mouth!).  It is also more friendly and makes the lesson more interactive. So we recommend to use a webcam (at least for you to see your tutor, but it’s up to you if you would like to use a webcam or not).

Can you summarize your pedagogy?

-You will work in a friendly and stress-free atmosphere, at your own pace, with the unique objective to learn, progress and like it !

– You will speak a lot!  We will always work from “real life situations” :
You may read a menu in French, fill in an application form, book a hotel, phone to your best French friend, argue about an idea, summarize a story… or deliver a business presentation ! It all depends of your objectives and language level.

You will take a very active part in your studies. Many role plays, interactive exercises, discussions, etc. will be used.

– We will focus on conversation but will also include written French (depending on your objectives)

– Grammar exercises enable you to reach your communication objectives. Grammar will be studied in context.

– You will be trained to get the right pronunciation from the beginning.

– Of course, French culture is part of all lessons and conversations.

– It is important that based on your level in French we determine objectives to reach, and assess your progress on a regular basis.

What is the CEFRL (CECRL in French)? Is there a classification of language levels acquired?

Please click on this link to open the PDF : CEFRL

What should I do to attend the lessons, how does it work?

Please contact me if you need more information or if you would like to book your first session :

What is the objective of the trial lesson?

The trial lesson is free and enables you to meet with your tutor, discuss and set your objectives, choose the type of course you would like to follow. It’s also an opportunity to test if you like it. In this way you can decide if you would like to continue.

During your free trial lesson : We identify your French language needs. In what situations you need to speak or write French (personal/business). Will you be mostly in interactive situations? Will you participate to discussions, debates, or general conversational French? etc…. We set objectives and most of all you start speaking French.

How shall I pay? Can I pay by card?

Most of the time PayPal is used for payment. Once the time slots are  confirmed (by e-mail) you will receive a payment email to access the PayPal website and proceed to your payment. Visa and MasterCard cards are accepted. Your information in your PayPal account is stored on PayPal secured servers. When  you pay your lessons you will not need to show your credit card account to OnlineFrenchTutor as you will pay via PayPal.

Please contact me if any questions or if you would like to book the free trial session :

I am looking forward to start speaking French with you !